Register an Internship or Co-op for Credit with the Career and Advising Center’s Internship Program

Internship and Co-op Registration for Spring 2025 is now open!

The Internship Program allows students to earn academic credit for their internship or co-op positions. If a student is working full-time, their enrollment in the program will also allow them to maintain their full-time student status while off-campus.

If you would like to register your internship/co-op for academic credit through the Career and Advising Center, follow the steps below. 

Not sure if you should register with the Career and Advising Center? Reach out to our office or your academic advisor for guidance.

Jump to:

Steps to apply for credit:

  1. Login to the Internship Program Registration Portal to submit your Internship Record
  2. Complete your profile setup in the system (**resume upload NOT NEEDED)
  3. Click “Add Co-op/Internship” and complete the registration form to submit your Internship Record
  4. Read below for what happens next
>>Follow these instructions to help you submit your Internship Record.

What happens next? 

  • A member of the Internship Program Team will process your record and follow up with any questions.
  • Your faculty advisor (or instructor) and site supervisor will receive an email to approve your internship or co-op.
  • Once all approvals are back, we will enroll you for the correct internship course on Campus Connection.
  • You will receive confirmation and additional details as soon as you are officially enrolled in the course.

**Students cannot enroll themselves for courses associated with the Internship Program.

Find your major below to view specific registration instructions:

Course: ACCT 397

Prerequisite: ACCT 311 (C or better)

Registration Process:
1.  Login to the Internship Program Registration Portal to submit your Internship Record
2.  Complete your profile in the system (**resume upload NOT NEEDED)
3.  Click “Add Co-op/Internship” and complete the form to submit your Internship Record
4.  Schedule a meeting with your faculty advisor to discuss the internship. They will help you set goals and give you information about the final reflective paper due at the end of the term.

>> Follow these instructions to help you submit your Internship Record.

Notes and Resources:
Accounting Internship Requirements (link to department information)
• To find out who your faculty advisor is, login to Campus Connection and click “Student Self-Service.” Your faculty advisor will be listed on that page. If you only see your Professional Advisor listed, please reach out to our team. You may need to be assigned a faculty advisor.

Course: AGEC 397 or ECON 397

Registration Process:
1.  Login to the Internship Program Registration Portal to submit your Internship Record
2.  Complete your profile in the system (**resume upload NOT NEEDED)
3.  Click “Add Co-op/Internship” and complete the form to submit your Internship Record

>> Follow these instructions to help you submit your Internship Record.

Dr. Erik Hanson is the faculty advisor for this internship course. Please list Erik on your Internship Record as you submit your registration request.

Erik Hanson
(701) 231-5747

Course: MICR 497

Registration Process:
1.  Login to the Internship Program Registration Portal to submit your Internship Record
2.  Complete your profile in the system (**resume upload NOT NEEDED)
3.  Click “Add Co-op/Internship” and complete the form to submit your Internship Record

>> Follow these instructions to help you submit your Internship Record.

Point of Contact:
Tom Gustad will serve as the instructor/faculty advisor for this internship course in the Fall and Spring terms. Dr. Danielle Condry will serve as the instructor/faculty advisor for this internship course in the Summer term.

Tom Gustad

Danielle Condry

Course: MIS 397

Prerequisite: MIS 320 (C or better)

Registration Process:
1.  Login to the Internship Program Registration Portal to submit your Internship Record
2.  Complete your profile in the system (**resume upload NOT NEEDED)
3.  Click “Add Co-op/Internship” and complete the form to submit your Internship Record
4.  Schedule a meeting with your faculty advisor to discuss the internship. They will help you set goals and give you information about the final reflective paper due at the end of the term.

>> Follow these instructions to help you submit your Internship Record.

Notes and Resources:
MIS Internship Requirements (link to department information)
• To find out who your faculty advisor is, login to Campus Connection and click “Student Self-Service.” Your faculty advisor will be listed on that page. If you only see your Professional Advisor listed, please reach out to our team. You may need to be assigned a faculty advisor.

Course: FIN 397

Registration Process:
1.  Login to the Internship Program Registration Portal to submit your Internship Record
2.  Complete your profile in the system (**resume upload NOT NEEDED)
3.  Click “Add Co-op/Internship” and complete the form to submit your Internship Record

>> Follow these instructions to help you submit your Internship Record.

Dr. Fariz Huseynov is the instructor/faculty advisor for this internship course. Please list Fariz on your Internship Record as you submit your registration request.

Fariz Huseynov
(701) 231-5704

Course: ME 397

Credit/Hour Breakdown:
160 hrs. – 319 hrs. = 1 credit
320 hrs. – 479 hrs. = 2 credits
480+ hrs. = 3 credits

*Pre-approval required*

Approval Process:
1. Send an email to the ME Internship Coordinators at

Include the following:
– Company name
– Position description
– Responsibilities
– Supervisor contact information (Email AND phone number)

2. The department will review the position and notify you once a decision has been made.
IF approved, you will receive an email prompting you to begin the process with the Career and Advising Center.
IF NOT approved or you are not eligible for ME 397, you may still be eligible to register for UNIV 397.

Notes and Resources:
Co-op/Internship as Technical Elective (link to department information)

Course: ECE 496

Credit/Hour Breakdown:
160 hrs. – 319 hrs. = 1 credit
320 hrs. – 479 hrs. = 2 credits
480+ hrs. = 3 credits

Registration Process:
1. Login to the Internship Program Registration Portal
2. Complete your profile in the system
3. Click “Add Co-op/Internship” and complete the form

>> Follow these instructions to help you complete the form.

Point of Contact:
Benjamin Braaten will serve as the “faculty advisor” for this internship course. Please include Dr. Braaten’s information on your Internship Record and connect with them to discuss the specifics of your internship. They will give you information about any assignments required for this course.

Benjamin Braaten

Notes and Resources:
• ECE 496 can count as a technical elective course.

Course: MRKT 397

*Pre-approval required*

Approval Process:
1. Schedule a meeting with Eric Gjerdevig ( to discuss your internship.

2. Eric will review the position and determined if it meets the requirements of the program.
*Students should be pro-active and meet with Eric prior to applying for a position if they are unsure whether it meets program requirements.

IF approved, you will receive an email prompting you to begin the process with the Career and Advising Center.

Notes and Resources:
Sales Internship Guidelines (link to department information)

International Students

Please review information about working off-campus as an F-1 student here:

Depending on your visa status, the process to work off-campus may vary. Please speak with your international advisor to learn more.

International Student and Study Abroad Services

International Student Advisors

Frequently Asked Questions

The program is open to all majors, although, some majors or programs handle internship credits within their own academic department. Students are advised to look at the curriculum guide for their program to better understand internship, co-op, or field experience requirements.

Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above to participate.

Minimum requirements for an internship or co-op to be considered for credit:

  • Internship or co-op is directly related to a student’s academic major and/or career goals
  • Duties and responsibilities are defined at the professional or paraprofessional level
  • The employer can be verified as a valid organization
  • Must have a designated supervisor who will provide guidance and mentorship throughout the experience
  • The supervisor must be willing to provide feedback to you, as the intern, and work with NDSU to fulfill additional requirements requested of them
  • Internships can be paid or unpaid. If paid, pay must meet the location’s minimum wage laws. If unpaid, and the employer is a for-profit organization, the employer and student must abide by the FLSA’s “Primary Beneficiary” test for unpaid internships.

Many majors have additional requirements beyond these minimum requirements. Please refer to your department for specific information.

No. Students have the choice to request credit for their internships/co-ops or not. Some programs require internships, some allow students to use an internship or co-op as an elective within the program, and other programs have no internship component.

If your program does not accept internship credits as an elective for your major, these internship credits would still count as upper-level, free elective credits, which can help students reach the overall credit count needed in order to graduate.

Always check-in with your Advisor or department if you are unsure whether or not you should register an internship/co-op for credit.

• If working 300+ hours within a term, registered students maintain their full-time student status with NDSU, even though they are only enrolled in 3 credits.

Why is this important?

  • Student scholarships will remain in tact
  • Student loans won’t go into a repayment status
  • Students keep access to all NDSU amenities/services of a full-time student
  • Ability to maintain insurance rates, which are determined by student status
  • Students will be able to enroll for classes seamlessly and continue to be connected to NDSU

Internship credits can help students:

  • Fulfill program requirements
  • Earn major elective credit
  • Earn free elective credit

• The internship is included on your academic transcript which strengths the validity of your experience for future employment.

The number of credits a student is eligible for is determined by the number of hours worked within a semester.

• 100 hrs. – 199 hrs. = 1 credit
• 200 hrs. – 299 hrs. = 2 credits
• 300+ hrs. = 3 credits

*Please note, some departments have a different hour/credit breakdown.

No more than 3 credits can be earned within a semester. Students can register up to 12 credits with the Internship Program during the course of their program at NDSU.

All credits earned through the Internship Program are included in the tuition cap and billed at students’ residency rate. Differential tuition applies according to students’ major.

See update tuition charts here:

A growing number of employers are making the investment in NDSU students by paying the cost of the student’s credits, through tuition reimbursement programs. This is not a requirement of the employer, but something students should be aware of and ask about within their organization.

  • Undergraduate students are graded Pass/Fail
    • A “Passing” grade does have an effect on a student’s GPA
    • A “Failing” will impact a student’s GPA
  • Graduate students are graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
    • Graduate students’ GPA is not impacted by either grade outcome unless the internship is part of a student’s curriculum course plan
  • If requirements are not met by the end of the term, the student will receive an “Incomplete” grade for the course until all components are satisfied.
  • A student may receive a “Failing/Unsatisfactory” grade is they are dismissed from their position and do not notify the Career and Advising Center.

The majority of the learning will take place at your worksite, but there are a few additional requirements for each course:

  1. Complete a Mid-Term Self-Evaluation (sent to you via email) about halfway through the term.
  2. Complete a Final Self-Evaluation (send to you via email) near the end of the term in which you are registered.
  3. Ensure your site supervisor completes a Final Employer Evaluation (sent to their email on the same day you receive your final evaluation).
  4. Complete additional coursework assigned to you by your faculty advisor.

Some instructors choose to utilize Blackboard. Others will communication through email.