Are You Looking to Change Your Major or Add a Second Major?

It is important to meet with an advisor to have a conversation about your new intended major. You will want to find out how your credits will apply, how long it may take you to finish the new major and what types of courses are required.

Follow these steps to meet with an advisor in the major you would like to change TO:


  • Log into Bison Advise:
  • Click “Schedule Appointment”
  • In the “Select Services” dropdown, choose the major you want to learn more about or switch to in order to find available appointment times with an advisor in that major.
  • For example, if you want to meet with an advisor to learn more about or change into Business Administration, scroll to find and select that major.
  • Next, an important step is to de-select your advisor’s name in the next box, because they likely don’t advise for the new major you’re thinking of. Unclick this check box.
  • Then, hit search.
  • Bison Advise will then show available appointment times with the advisor or advisors for that major. Select a time that works for you by clicking the blue Schedule button.

If you just want to change/add a minor or remove a second major, you can complete that form yourself within Campus Connection. Log in to Campus Connection and select the “NDSU eForms” tile on your home screen. You’ll see the NDSU logo. Select Registration & Records on the left, and then “Minor/Cert/Advisor Change”

Faculty/Staff Major Change Steps:
Log in to Campus Connection, toggle to the Campus Solutions Administrator homepage.
Select NDSU eForms tile with the NDSU logo
Select Registration & Records on the left
Select “Admin-Major/Minor Change” – this is the major change form that you submit while meeting with the student.

Students are welcome to initiate a major change at any time. However, if a student should elect to leave a major with differential tuition, the major change form must be submitted and processed prior to the week four census date for any potential tuition rate updates. Changes completed after the four-week census will update to the new major, but not be effective for tuition rate changes until the following term. (