Working with and advising students is a very important part of our student focused mission at NDSU. The Career and Advising Center is here to provide support to the faculty and professional advisors across campus. We have compiled some information and resources to help make your advising experience with students more valuable.

Advising Resources

Use these resources in preparation for or during your meetings with students.

Advisor Training Series Recordings

Preparing for Advising and Registration (policies, process, etc.):
(March 2022)

Establishing Relationships with Your Advisees:
(March 2022)

Transfer Advising Tips:
(April 2022)

Helpful Contacts

Use these contacts for questions or referrals.

Student Privacy Information

Technology Resources

Here are some common technologies you may use for advising.

Campus Resources

Many times you may be referring students out of your office to campus resources such as tutoring, counseling, etc.

Other Resources

Take personal responsibility for academic decisions. Understand and communicate curriculum and graduation requirements.
Become knowledgeable about NDSU programs, policies and procedures. Assist students in finding and understanding university requirements, policies and procedures.
Keep a personal record of academic progress. Monitor student’s academic progress.
Schedule and keep regular appointments with advisor. Meet at least once each semester. Be available and accessible as possible for student appointments.
Prepare for advising appointments.* Prepare for advising appointments. Maintain student records as needed.
Openly and honestly discuss concerns at each advising meeting. Listen carefully to questions and concerns. Maintain confidentiality.
Follow through on suggested actions, resources and referrals. Match student’s needs with available resources and make referrals.
Read your emails and check Blackboard regularly. Will respond to student questions in a timely manner.