A cover letter is a letter that introduces the reader to the applicant and provides a brief summary of the applicant’s qualifications and fit for the company/position/program. Cover Letter Essentials: 1. Focus – Well-written professional document created for a specific company and addressed to a specific person/department/company 2. Balance – Document must look good on a page
- 1 page
- Recommended font Size: 10-12 pt.
- Recommended font Styles: Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial
3. Address Position Requirements – Identify skills, core attributes, experiences, etc. that show your value to the reader – shouldn’t repeat information that is on the resume 4. Strong Closing – Express an interest in participating in an interview to discuss your qualifications in greater detail. 5. Error Free Click here to check out the NDSU Career and Advising Center cover letter guide. Drop by the Career Studio in Ceres Hall 306 to get assistance, or fill out our CAC – Document Review Form request form to get your documents reviewed if you cannot make it to campus! FAQ’s Can I include information from my resume in my cover letter? – The cover letter shouldn’t need to include any information or details that already exist in your resume. Instead, if you feel that there are no other qualifications or skills that you would like to highlight, then focus on the mission of the company, school, or position in general. What do I put in a cover letter if I’ve included all experiences on my resume? – Try to show more of your personality and characteristics that are reasons you believe you can be successful in that role. To reiterate, it can also be helpful to review the company or school’s vision, mission, and values and to try to relate yourself in that way for the reader to see you have done your research and that you will be a good fit. Do I need a cover letter? – Typically cover letters are required alongside a resume, but if it is optional, it is recommended to include. A cover letter goes into more depth than a resume about your abilities and passion for a position. It is a final way to prove yourself to the employer to earn that interview!