Tools For Exploration – O*Net Interest Profiler

Salutations Bison Herd,  

As we steadily head toward the end of the semester, we once again return to discuss yet another tool that can assist you in finding an enjoyable career. Last time we talked about Employment Trends which is a database tool that can be used to help you find important information about different careers such as core tasks, top employers, and of course employment trends. This week we will be discussing a tool called O*Net Interest Profiler which is an interest assessment tool that can help you to identify your interests and how to different careers. 

O*Net Interest Profiler works by asking you to rate a series of job tasks regardless of your education or skills just simply by how much you would enjoy doing it. To rank the task, you simply select from a list of faces ranging from deep frowns to big smiles just like when you had to go to the doctor’s office when you were younger. The questions cover a wide range of topics from problem-solving and data analysis to assisting others and more creative tasks like painting.  

Once you finish rating the tasks, you will be presented with some sample careers that align well with your likes and interests. Once you compile a list of jobs that you would like to know more about, you can utilize some of the other tools available on the Career and Advising Center website such as O*Net and Employment Trends. Like many of the tools that we talked about previously, O*Net Interest Profiler is a great companion tool to use while doing some career exploration.  

O*Net Interest Profiler can be found on the NDSU Career and Advising Center website in the career exploration tab under Explore. If you have any questions or would like assistance utilizing O*Net Interest Profiler or any other tool or service offered by the Career and Advising Center, you can stop by our office in Ceres Hall room 306. You can also contact us at 701-231-7111 or at our email 

By Sawyer Teicher
Sawyer Teicher Career Mentor