If you chose to reach out to an employer in hopes of getting a job, you should make sure you are aware of your audience. Most students want to type up a generic message and send that to every employer they reach out to. This is not the most effective way to reach out. Think about who is on the other end of the message. There is a recruiter that most likely gets messages all the time from students hoping to get a job. Most of these messages look similar, this is why you need to make your message stand out.
There are a few ways you can make your message stand out. The first is to talk about how you are different. Maybe you have a good/funny story of why you are going into the field you are. This is a good way to make your message stand out. You could also talk about your passion for the field. Recruiters want to hire people who they think will stick around, so if you can show a little bit of why you love what you do it could work in your favor.
Another way you can make your message stand out is by finding a connection with the recruiter. This is a more unique approach that will not work for all since you might have no idea who the person you are messaging is. If you are local to the area that the person you are messaging is you could use that, maybe you went to the same college or high school. If you have a friend in common you could mention them, this would also give you some credibility if they have a good relationship with that friend.