Interview Essentials: Mock Interviews

Whether you have an interview coming up or just want to get some more practice under your belt, a mock interview is an excellent move for your career!

What is a mock interview?

A mock interview is a low stakes interaction where you can practice for an interview in a safe space. It will be structured similar to a real interview and you will be asked questions that would be included in a typical interview. At the end you will go over your answers and get feedback from a trained staff member.

Why should you do a mock interview?

I’m sure you have heard the saying ‘practice makes perfect’ a thousand times, but it really is true in this case! Interviews can be really scary, so it is important to practice so you can present your best self. You never know how an answer is going to sound until you say it out loud – and you also don’t know the reaction you would get until you say it to another person. Our staff will never judge you for your answers or if you mess up because this is a space for improvement. We will provide feedback on a variety of things such as the content of your answers, the presentation of your answers and your body language.

How can you get a mock interview scheduled?

To schedule a mock interview with us you will first fill out the Mock Interview Request Form. This form lets us know what you want to practice for so we can make sure the questions are best tailored for you and your field. If you do not have a specific reason in mind we can do a general one as well! After you fill out the form, you will make an appointment with us either via the link at the end of the form or through Bison Advise. You can reach out to us via email at to make an appointment as well.

By Delaney Sage
Delaney Sage Career Mentor