Job Board Highlight: ZipRecruiter

ZipRecruiter was a Job Board created to help foster real connections between employee’s and employers. With a focus on small businesses, ZipRecruiter is the number one rated hiring site with over 110+ million job seekers. Some of the things ZipRecruiter can help with is

  • Has personal online recruiters to help all job seekers get the best jobs possible
  • Has job seeker support for any and all issues or questions you might have
  • Has ZipRecruiter Blog for posts ranging to help job seekers and employers
  • Sends you emails and notifications about jobs that would peek your interest
  • Helps create a completely customized profile, with your resume, to help your skills stand out
  • Imbedded searching within Google to help you quickly find jobs
By Mackenzie Mueller
Mackenzie Mueller Career Mentor