Indeed is known for its “All in one” employee hiring platform. With over 300 million monthly visitors, Indeed is one of the most popular job boards around the world. Indeed has multiple filters to help find your dream job like search by location, type of work, education, experience level, when it was posted, and more. Beyond just looking for jobs, Indeed has many other functions to help with your career goals.
- Send reminders about saved jobs and jobs that you might be interested in based on skills and other searches.
- Make an account and upload your resume, cover letters, and take a skill quiz that all employers can see.
- Post reviews from past and current employees that have worked with companies before to see real opinions.
- Has a resource tab for employers with information like writing job descriptions and creating offer letters.
- Has a resource tab for job seekers with information like career advice and finding certifications.
- Host different employer and job seekers events, in person and virtual.