Seth Wolf
Major: Electrical Engineering
Company: Doosan Bobcat
Position: Electrical Test Engineering Co-op
Location: Bobcat Acceleration Center in Bismarck, North Dakota
Why did you choose to work for Doosan Bobcat?
I decided to visit Bobact’s booth at the Engineering and Tech Expo on a whim, and I’m grateful that I did. I immediately liked the people that I talked with at the booth, and after a preliminary interview the position sounded really intriguing. The more I thought about it, the more I knew that this opportunity was the right fit for me.
How did you find your internship?
Through the Engineering and Tech Expo
Why was it beneficial for you to register for credit(s) through the Internship Program?
I registered for credits through the Internship Program so that I could still maintain a full-time status at the university while completing my co-op
What advice would you give a student who is in the process of applying to an internship?
Don’t let rejection be a bad thing. I applied to 4 other internships before I received this one. Ask employers what they would like to see in you, so that you can improve for the next position that you apply for.
What was an average day like for you on the job?
Getting to work a little early to set up the testing equipment for the day, attending a weekly update meeting to keep my team informed of what tests were being performed, and making sure that all of the tests, side projects, and lab improvements ran smoothly
What was the most rewarding part of your internship experience?
Being able to work hands on with a variety of instruments, equipment and materials has rounded my overall engineering skills.
What was the most challenging part of your job? How did you overcome these obstacles?
The most challenging part to me is making sure that the tests are done in a timely manner. I have anywhere from 2 to 3 tests running at a time, and there are always more coming in. I overcome these obstacles by choosing one project or test to focus on, and spend a majority of my day working on that, and dedicate the last couple of hours working on the other tests.
How has your internship shaped your ideas for your career? Has it changed your career path?
Through this internship, I have found a career path that I am very passionate about l, and would like to pursue after graduation.
Would you recommend having an internship?
Yes I would recommend having an internship. It provides a lot of valuable hands on experience that can be crucial to determining what you like and dislike in a career path, without the commitment of a full-time job after graduation