#NDSUintern Spotlight Blog

Intern: Khalid Khan

Major: Computer Science

Company: United Airlines Inc.

Location of Internship: Chicago, IL

Internship Title: Mobile App Developer

  • Why did you choose the company that you work for?
    • I wanted to learn some industrial skills and project management with a reputable organization.
  • What were some of the requirements for your internship? 
    • My primary task is understanding the architecture and back end code of the United Airlines Mobile application. I was also responsible for merging new proposed features into the application.
  • What is your favorite part about your internship experience?
    • My whole internship was quite an experience and working with such big organization and understanding their work environment was really amazing for me.
  • What is the most challenging part of your internship? How have you overcome these obstacles? 
    • Developing and maintaining code for an application which is being used by thousands of people is a really crucial task. It is really hard when you work behind the scenes. My colleagues helped me in understanding the workflow and getting on-board quickly.
  • How did you find your internship?
    • Through my own self-guided research.
  • Why was it beneficial for you to register your internship for credit through the Internship Program?
    • It helped me in reaching my graduation goals.
  • What advice would you give a student who is in the process of applying to an internship?
    • Find what motivates you, what your interests are, what is aligned well with your skills, and start learning about that. Don’t be disappointed, success is waiting for you around the corner.

By Alli Goossens
Alli Goossens Assistant Director, Internship Program