The application for the Diverse and Inclusive Naval Oceanographic Summer Internship Program (DINO SIP) at the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) at the University of Washington is live! DINO SIP aims to provide underrepresented minority students with an opportunity to experience and conduct project-based research, participate in professional development, build community with other young scientists, and learn how to navigate the pathways to a career in maritime and oceanographic science, technology, mathematics, or engineering (STEM) fields.
Students need to be:
- Currently registered and attending universities, community colleges, or technical schools or within a year of their undergraduate graduation.
- Be 18+ of age and have completed one year at their institution, including one term of pre-calculus (or equivalent) and one term of a basic science or engineering course.
- Must have an interest in ocean sciences and other types of research conducted at APL regardless of which STEM major or field they are in
- Provide a current CV/resume, unofficial transcripts as record of courses (GPA will not be taken into consideration), answer essay questions, and a reference survey completed by an academic or professional reference (all submitted through the application link)
Members of historically underrepresented minorities (including, but not limited to, African-, Hispanic- and Native-Americans, Pacific Islanders, first generation, LGBTQ+, military veterans and families, and disabled individuals) in STEM fields are highly encouraged to apply. Falling short of prerequisites will not necessarily result in rejection, so we encourage any student that is highly interested to apply, especially since projects will be matched to the student’s level of experience. I will host two virtual info sessions, and the Zoom links are posted on our webpage.
The application for Summer 2025 is now open at the following link:
The following documents are required and must be submitted through the application link in a merged PDF consisting of:
- A current CV or resume that highlights educational background and work experience, course or project work, interests, community or service involvement, or other specialized skills
- Unofficial transcripts as record of courses (GPA will not be taken into consideration)
- A reference survey completed by an academic or professional reference who is familiar with the applicant’s academic and/or professional experience submitted via Qualtrics Reference Survey (Google Doc)
Short answers to the following:
- Please introduce yourself by telling us about how you became interested in oceanography, what sparked your interest in the natural world, and what drives your curiosity. (Word limit: 200 minimum, 500 maximum)
- Why are you interested in this internship program at APL-UW specifically? Please include any research questions or technologies you would like to focus on and if there is a specific department/researcher you would like to work with at APL-UW. (Word limit: 200 minimum, 500 maximum)
- What has made your college experience unique or unlike a stereotypical college experience and what do you consider to be your proudest achievement? (It need not be related to science or academia). (Word limit: 200 minimum, 500 maximum)
- What do you perceive are the reasons it is important for scientists to share what they learn with the community, particularly as it pertains to oceanography? (Word limit: 200 minimum, 500 maximum)
- DINO SIP and APL-UW are committed to building community and increasing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility of STEM and oceanography specifically. Please describe how you align with this commitment and how your life/personal and/or educational/professional experiences have shaped your perspective. (Word limit: 200 minimum, 500 maximum)
- Do you feel your academic record accurately reflects your abilities and potential? Why or why not? Please describe any adversity (physical, mental, educational, economic, social, or otherwise) that you have overcome in pursuing your academic goals. (Word limit: 200 minimum, 500 maximum)
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out or visit our webpage!