Mentoring Relationships: Seeking a mentor

The next topic in our mentoring series is: Seeking a mentor.  There are many ways to go about seeking a mentor or establishing this relationship, so tailor the experience to what best suits you!

Ways to find and facilitate a mentoring relationship:

  • Use the Alumni Tool on LinkedIn to find NDSU graduates who have similar academic background to yours and learn how they crafted their own career journey.
  • Ask family and friends who they might know.
  • Utilize the connections you have from previous jobs, internships, or volunteer experiences.
  • Reach out to the companies that may have had to retract their job/internship offers.
  • Ask the Career and Advising Center team!

The summer is still young, so there’s plenty of time to work on creating this worthwhile connection!  To get more information on each of the above mentioned areas and to learn more about other mentoring relationship strategies, visit our Mentoring Relationships page. Keep an eye on our blog and social media posts in the next couple of weeks for more on this topic!

By Amanda Reil
Amanda Reil Senior Career Coach