Ask a CM!

Hello everyone!

This week’s question is: What do I do if I don’t like my major?

That is a great question! Major exploration is a great place to start if you are questioning your major. Here are the top 5 tips to begin major exploration!

1. First, think about the future, what do you see yourself doing?

    • What excites you?
    • What environment do you see yourself in? Outdoor, indoor, office space, alone, with coworkers?
    • What is your dream job?

2. Now, consider the present, what do you like about your current major?

      • Do you enjoy your courses?
      • Are you excited about the material?
      • Are you looking forward to your future job/career?

3. What don’t you like about your current major?

      • Are the classes too difficult?
      • Do you feel bored during lectures?
      • Are you struggling to stay motivated when completing homework?

After you have thought about both the present and future, you can begin to explore the opportunities within and outside your major. There are many resources on the Career and Advising Center’s website to begin the exploration process:

4. What can I do with this major?

    • This resource has almost every major offered at NDSU listed to help you see the types of employers and opportunities available in a specific field.
    • It even lists tips for preparing for a career!

5. O*Net 

    • This resource provides the opportunity to explore different occupations.
    • You can see what the day-to-day life, tasks, salary, job outlook is like for people within that occupation.
    • This is a great place to get specific details about a job you are interested in pursuing!

If you are having a difficult time determining what you do and don’t like about your major or are unsure about what you see yourself doing in the future, you may want to visit with one of the Career Coaches at the Career and Advising Center about completing an interest inventory. Contact Amanda Reil by emailing or call 701-231-7167, to set up a virtual appointment!

Major/career exploration is never easy! The most important thing to remember is that almost everyone questions their major at some point. It is completely normal to be unsure about your future. But the best way to become sure and find what career best fits you is: to explore the opportunities available through these resources; visit with a Career Mentor or Coach; and also pursue internships, practicums, and shadowing experiences!

That concludes this week’s blog. Please write your questions on the lower, right side of the main page of our website!

I will be answering them every Friday. Ask any question you like, no question is too small!

Signing Off,


By Andrea Richard
Andrea Richard Graduate Career Mentor