Intern: Anna Wilcox
Major: Accounting
Company: CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA)
Location of Internship: Minneapolis, MN
Internship Title: Intern
- Why did you choose the company that you work for?
- I had an interest in a client-focused, career building atmosphere and I enjoyed the contagious, positive attitudes of many different employees within the firm.
- What were some of the requirements for your internship?
- Work in a team atmosphere to complete client work, ask questions, work to continuously improve at the tasks being performed, complete work within the audit binder.
- What is your favorite part about your internship experience?
- The interaction with other employees within the firm, the experience working with clients, and asking them questions about the audit work being performed.
- What is the most challenging part of your internship? How have you overcome these obstacles?
- Grasping a whole new set of software and processes and working to use them effectively and efficiently to complete work. This comes with practice, as I got more used to the software, or completed the same section of the audit binder on multiple clients, I was able to become more efficient and have a better idea of what types of questions to ask.
- How did you find your internship?
- Why was it beneficial for you to register your internship for credit through the Internship Program?
- This was beneficial, not only so that I could receive credit for my internship to fulfill the course requirement, but so that I could be in contact with the NDSU Career and Advising Center with questions I had. Additionally, the tasks given to me by the Career and Advising Center allowed for better personal evaluation of my experience.
- What advice would you give a student who is in the process of applying to an internship?
- Try not to be deterred by rejection from one firm/company, that experience wasn’t meant for you. Just keep applying and interviewing, it is all great experience in the long run. The right position will come along if you keep at it!