#NDSUalumni Spotlight

Name: Emma Papenfuss

Graduation Term/Year: May 2018

Current Company: Hefty Seed Company

Current Position: Sales Agronomist

How long have you been in your current position: 3 months

  • What is the most rewarding part of your internship?
    • The best part about my internship, was building relationships with customers and helping them with their success. It gave me a personal satisfaction knowing I was helping people achieve their goals.
  • What company did you do your internship experience through while attending NDSU?
    • JR Simplot Company
  • Why was it beneficial to register your internship experience through the Internship Program offered through The NDSU  Career Center?
    • It created a more formal internship with the company. For example, I received formal feedback with a final evaluation from my supervisor. Also, reaping the benefits of “work” by receiving credits at NDSU.
  • How did your internship experience help you get to where you are today?
    • It opened the door to numerous opportunities, and gave hands on experience that can not be matched by time in a classroom. It also jump-started networking in my industry at a younger age.
  • If you could give any advice to a student in a current internship position, what would it be?
    • Network! Build as many relationships as you can, whether that be with your current company’s employees, other business reps, or customers, you never know where or when you will cross paths with these people again.
By Courtney O'Hotto
Courtney O'Hotto Graduate Assistant