Here are a few tips to help set you up for success:
1. Write Everything Down
I recommends going through course syllabi at the beginning of the semester and writing down all the important dates on your calendar. Seeing upcoming assignment due dates will help you better prepare.
2. Your Phone can be You Friend
Set reminders to help you keep due dates and other important commitments in mind as you go through your day.
3. Develop a Routine
Create a routine at the beginning of the semester so you can easily manage your focus-time
4. Get and Stay Healthy
Engaging in regular exercise can keep your energy levels up, resulting in a more engaged mind when doing school work. This includes getting enough sleep at night to increase your alertness and decrease your stress levels.
5. Get Organized
Keep school work organized in folders/binders and the use of subject notebooks can be a huge factor in saving you some time throughout the week. Be sure to keep your computer desktop organized as well. Create class folders to keep all your notes and assignments together.
6. Checklists are Your Friend
Checklists for each class and/or day of the week can be helpful in remembering everything you need to get done. Color-coordinating tasks by common subject or by due dates will help you visualize what needs to get done and when.
7. Find Balance in Life
School, work, social life….we want it all but it is very difficult to not allow one to over power the others. Even using all the tips above, life can still feel like it is getting out of control. So it is important to step back and take a deep breath. When things get a bit stressful and you feel things may be getting a bit overwhelming, ask your family and friends to support you during these challenging times. It’s okay to recognize when you are overwhelmed and to ask for help. Maybe that means dropping an activity or reducing your credit load.
Time management means nothing if you are physically, emotionally and psychologically drained. Using these 7 tips can help keep your life running a bit smoother… may take time, but it’s key to your happiness and success.